Frustrated with online dating?
Tired of being single?
Sick of dating dumbasses?
Want to date smarter?
You can request consultation by emailing me at
Frustrated with online dating?
Tired of being single?
Sick of dating dumbasses?
Want to date smarter?
You can request consultation by emailing me at
I love your blog! I just stumbled upon it. It seems like our blogs are kind of similar! Check mine out if you get some free time as well ( Woohoo for dating blogs!
Thanks! I find your blog very entertaining and interesting too! Thanks for the follow! We have to support one another! Following you, too!
Yes! Agreed! Are you a practicing therapist right now? I am in the process of applying to grad schools for a masters in marriage and family therapy! I would love to pick your brain some time!
Congratulations on deciding to pursue your grad degree! That is awesome! I have left clinical practice years ago to focus on public health and well-being on a much more global scale.
Absolutely please pick my brain! Feel free to email me @ So excited that you are going to pursue your counseling degree!!!!
I’m giving up. I’VE HAD IT! Maybe I’m just meant to be single…whomever I meet has some dumb, damn excuse…I’m tired, nobody cares,,,
Just wanted to thank you for liking my post on Superficial.
Great post! Thank you for stopping by and checking me out! I really appreciate it!
Thanks! Sorry just saw that you responded. How long have you been blogging and what advice would you give for someone to get more followers under a pen name?
Thanks, Rae. I have been blogging for the last 1.7 yrs. I have about 46 posts up, not a frequent poster. The only thing that I can tell you that has been successful for me is content. Which is what everyone says, but I really haven’t done anything special that I can offer you as a successful formula. The other thing is that you should list your blog in blog registries that are designed for your content. I am on Blog Upp, Blogher because it is lifestlye, relationship, or women focused. Google under your content area and it will give you results. Join them! It’s a good way to distribute your work to a larger audience.
Welcome to blogging! Hope this is helpful!
Yes it is. Thanks so much!
Yay! So glad! Have a good one!!!
Amazing site… appreciated the follow and can absorb your blog completely.. Vibrational energy is something else… It can help you hear different frequency’s that were not present before until they have been struck inside you! How did you arrive? when did you realize you were some place else?
Thanks so much for the compliment! True honor coming from you! It’s as though you are a window to women’s souls!
Ah yes, vibrational energy and implicate order are powerful processes. Unfortunately, it was from pain & absence that I desired to seek transcendentalism and experience the world from a healers perspective. It was within that inquiry that my mind-body system found (and constantly seeks) equilibrium. Wish my answer where sexier 🙂
Really love your work. Did you want to omit the like & share buttons on your site? Your work is truly amazing. A series of books should emerge from your articles.
I am writing a book finally… I have been for the last few months.. However certain vibrations decided to bring me to a place where it is instant that I can help or share something as I can hear it in others as well…
and your answer was not just sexy it was inspiring.. It is not been easy to find someone who has embraced energy and realized it’s potential to bring us something magical on this experience.. We are after all living from this moment to the next and we think it is a matter of time.. Lose time to find yourself.. and then something else comes..
What would be the purpose of omitting something like or share?
So glad you are working on your book. The world truly needs it. Your perspective is very refreshing and restorative.
Thanks for finding it inspiring! I’m glad that you were as moved by my work, as I have been by yours. Truly in awe of how you have been able to capture the metaphysics of a union, the feminine principle, & female erotica.
When I searched for the like and share buttons on your site, at first I was unable to locate them. But, I did find them now.
Great that is very inspiring to hear… I am in a union with a soul directly connected to my own.. some call this twin flame connections.. This connects me completely in a way that even to write it would lessen it.. But it is the reason for my writing a book and the deep rooted place in being that I expand in ways long since lost.. only now emerging to speak and awaken something we have come here for…. I have experienced her cycle as a man, I have experienced her pain’s as a man, I have experienced her everything to include hear when she is listening to music or thoughts that go through her… yet I can only say to you that was my purpose for coming here ascending to and descending from.. It is quite the story and it has enabled me to find such a place that I can only share and will continue to share, I have been able to heal many cause I learned a deeper place of healing within myself.. and her.. It is not about above or below, positive or negative, right or wrong, it just is a place of light.. light is a very powerful way to place it cause it has removed all darkness..Even as darkness comes now I still see it as light.. It found it’s way into this world through me.. I am here.. I am now.. I am being.. I am the I amness that was always I.. without thought and within the achievable by all intelligence that allows all things..
You are so right to gain this insight and understanding shouldn’t be esoteric. Nor should it be desperately longed for, it should just be a standard of functioning. Unfortunately, few come to this plane of higher functioning. You are among the fortunate and truly blessed: not just to experience it, but to be able to share it as eloquently as you do. Thank you for sharing this gift with us. You give words and visual representation to what resides in hearts and souls that can’t verbalize or crystallize the thought.
How did you arrive at this place?
In addition to your book, I wish that you would conduct trainings, webinars, courses, etc. It is merely an extension of the frequency that already is. Thank you for being the model of what we strive to become.
It was actually through death in many forms that I arrived here.. It was a pain like no other.. a place like no other.. The darkness of it now seems so far away in truth.. I don’t know that I can see even a hint of it anymore.. I guess you could say spending so much of my former in darkness it only could be balance by how much light is there now.. It was only then that the truth of the connection and the gifts I had not even birthed yet came to me..
I will finish this book I am on first and then will be starting groups and then traveling through out.. I will keep in touch and will be following your blog my friend.. Anything you need I am…
Your trajectory is impressive. Thanks for following my work. I truly appreciate your support.
Those of us who are fortunate to come across the depth of your insight and keen perception are changed as result of it! Looking forward to cheering on all of your accomplishments, dear friend!
As am I of yours my friend… Keep in touch.. CK
Need your input on my about page… Please chime in…
Hope I did it some justice 🙂
I loved the idea of your blog, so that why I decided to follow you! I hope to read many of your posts (old and new).
Thank you so much! I really appreciate your kind words and support! Looking forward to hearing about all of your successes!
It’s a pleasure to meet you! You are so sharp! Keep in touch, I am starting with the letter….tonight…. have a good one girl! xoxo
So great meeting you to! Thanks for the compliment, love! Can’t wait to hear about all the good things that are going to manifest in your life! Have a great weekend!!! xoxoxo
Thank-you luv, you too!!!! Get that rest you think you oughta be home getting and thank-you sooooooo much for the encouragement and friendship. You rock and I will definitely be letting you know. You blew my mind on a few counts, who knew, formula for the sites. Hahaha. Oh! Going about it totally wrong! Hahaha. No wonder it was depressing, I probably answered some of the desperados…
Anyway, have a wonderful weekend! Speak soon!! xoxox
Aww it’s my pleasure! I’m so glad that you found it useful and that you are going to be changing your perspective so that you get the things you want instead of the opposite happening. Looking forward to hearing about all of your successes and adventures! You definitely have a cheerleader with me!
Yeah, I think the majority of things we do have a formula! And, yes, I do think you were dating down! 😉 LOL All of that is gonna change with all these new methods you’re adding to your approach 🙂
I love your blog!!! I just started a blog after thinking about doing it off and on for years. I saw that you liked one of my recent entries and I am so excited that someone is reading what I am writing (I decided to keep it a secret from my friends/family so I don’t censor myself). I have a feeling I am going to spend the next hour or so reading some of your entries bc I really like your writing style. If you have any suggestions for me on how to keep up the pace of blogging, I am all ears!!
And if you get a chance to follow me, I would greatly appreciate the support 🙂
Thank you so much for your kind words and compliments! I am so glad you are enjoying my blog! Hope it is helpful to you!
I thoroughly enjoyed your entries so far! It’s exceptional, honest and compelling! I love it! Congratulations on putting it out there. That’s always the hardest part. My blog was a concept I developed over many years of practice and a desire I had 9 years ago. Only 7 months ago I started my journey and am loving it! I encourage you to keep writing. You have great stuff!
Following you too! Please do not hesitate to shoot me an email with any questions you have! Glad you are here! 😉
Hey thanks for the follow and like, you obviously have a lot of serious credentials and I have read some of your stuff, just wondering what you get out of following someone like me, thanks 🙂
sorry not follow , liking post *
Aww thank you so much for the compliment! Are you kidding? Your perspective is very sharp & insightful! Thanks for checking out my work!
Why thank you, and no worries!
Thank you for liking my blog I’m curious as to what led you to it. Mind telling me how you found it?
Your blog appeared in the explore topics section of wordpress. I have noticed that the blog is no longer available, so I am unsure of when I came across it. But did enjoy it when I did 🙂
i will follow u to the end of the earth
thanks i really appreciate your support!
Hey! I really appreciate you checking out my blog we have a similar niche! Maybe collaboration groups are in the future. Keep up the blogging, also I will follow your blog.
Hey. your blog is great! do you only write about relationships and dating? you seem pretty good at this stuff. 🙂
Thanks so much for your kind words and support! Yes, at the moment am focusing on relationships and dating. In the future, though 😉 I really appreciate you stopping by my blog!
Hate the title, but LOVE the blog! I’ll be back.
Thanks for your honesty and compliment, Tom! I really appreciate it. Thanks for visiting. Looking forward to hearing more from you!
I started craigslist about 3 days ago, you asked me to let you know when I started. At the same time, I quit all my other dating sites.
😉 thanks for keeping us updated! how’s it going so far?
Two responses, but I think both are fake.
Yeah! That’s CL for you!!! The ad runs for a week, right? Can you renew it for a month? It might take more than a week to get s few good dates in.
I’ll post a copy of my ad here later
Lol that’s ok! I trust that it looks good! I want to hear about your success stories 🙂
Well, I said that because I never have known what was good enough in an ad & what wasn’t. I have so many people telling me do this, don’t do that, but others say the exact opposite…I don’t know who to follow.
you can send it to me on the email listed on this page and I can critique it for you. but, i have to tell you that women don’t use that site to date as much as men do. so, you may experience a lag in contact.
Actually, the ad runs for 3 months at a time, so I’m not too upset
Oh ok. That gives you a fair run.
ok. I will
Great looking forward to it!
Actually, I read it again & CL said 45 days, but that’s still a good run.
Yeah that’s better than what I thought (1 week). Good Luck!
Sent the ad to you via email
ok thanks will look for it and respond as soon as I can. 🙂 have some other requests too 🙂
that’s fine
Hi, your blog reminds me of my blog tell me what you think about mine?
I’ll check and let you know. Are you a behavioural scientist/therapist too?
I believe therapist.
Cool. Is there another site I should be looking at? A relationship one?
it’s all in this site only.
Will leave comments on your blog! Thanks for stoping by mine!
my pleasure tell other’s about my blog.
Hi there! Thanks for following my blog and for liking my last couple of posts. It means a lot to me that my ramblings resonated with you. (Sometimes I feel like I’m just writing for myself and no one is listening, lol). Anyway, I’m really glad I found your blog, because I definitely relate to a lot of the posts here. As a single 20-something who hasn’t had much success in the dating department, it’s really great to connect with people who maybe have been where I’m at and are willing to share their own experiences and advice. Since most of my friends are married and all had a relatively easy time finding their spouses/lifemates (most of them met in college or church), I’ve been beginning to feel more and more alienated when it comes to dating and the thought of marriage. I’m not in some hurry, necessarily, but it’s just hard to talk about the perils of singleness to people who, at the end of the day, have a wife/husband to go home to. I’m not saying I mind being single. I really don’t. But there are specifics that I’d like to discuss sometimes and my friends just don’t get it/can’t relate. So it’s nice to find a space online where I can talk about it. Makes me realize – hey, there ARE others out there who haven’t mastered the art of dating/finding their lifemates! I’m actually not the only one! LOL. Anyway, great stuff. I’m definitely following back and appreciate your interest in my blog as well. 🙂
Thank you so much for your support & sharing your insights with us! I am so happy that you enjoy my blog as much as I enjoyed yours!
I completely understand what you feel! You are always welcome to visit my blog for a laugh, question or rant 😉
Don’t feel pressured to rush love. Your blog is about your process, evolution, and a place where you learn about yourself. That is the first step of finding the ideal person for you. The reason I say that is because most relationships fail because they don’t evolve together. Look at the relationships that start in their 20s & are divorced in their 40s & they resent each other deeply. If they didn’t feel pressure & knew who they were so that they could project who they might become, could’ve saved them heartache!
So glad that you stopped by, going to follow you too.
Oh, I’m not in a rush at all…more like, just looking to connect with other people my age who are in the same place as I am (single), since a lot of my friends are not. I so agree about not rushing into it or giving in to the pressures from everyone else, because at the end of the day, it’s not those people who have to try to make that relationship work. That responsibility will be mine. If my motives aren’t correct, the relationship probably won’t last. I definitely don’t want to push myself into something just so I can say I’m not single. I actually had that happen to a friend recently. She rushed into marrying this guy and now, before she’s even 30, she’s filing for a divorce after only a year of marriage. It just wasn’t meant to be and they couldn’t reconcile their differences. It’s sad to watch her go through this! But it’s been a good lesson for someone like me, who wants a committed relationship. Good things come to those who wait, right? 🙂
Sorry to hear about your friend! So many stories like that it’s really heart breaking.
You are so smart and way ahead of your real age! Too many people marry because they think it’s what makes sense. I think it’s so important to knwo who you are, what you need, what you want in the future. The Type of guy I was attracted to in my 20s is nowhere near what I like today. I am so grateful that I learned that about myself.
I, like you, am not interested in having failed relationships, I’d rather wait for the right person!
Thanks! Yeah, it’s really disheartening to see that happen to her when she’s so young and has so much going for her. But I think she’s learned a lot from this experience. Sometimes you have to go through those experiences in order to really grow and learn about yourself and realize what it is that you actually want/need, like you said. As you said, a lot of people marry with the wrong intentions or because they think it’s just what everyone expects of them, and then find themselves trapped in these dysfunctional relationships. I suppose I’m a little jaded because I’ve had friends and parents who went through that very thing, but I just feel you can never be too careful. I’d rather take my precious time in figuring out who I am and what I want before I look for any long term commitment. Besides, what good will I be to my future mate if I’m not confident and secure in who I am first? I don’t want those insecurities and personal issues to become his burdens. That’s not fair to him! But so many people don’t think about that. They just think about the wedding or the fact that they can have the title of being someone’s husband/wife. It’s sad!
Anyway, thank you so much for the compliment! I really appreciate your words of affirmation and am enjoying this conversation with you. Like I said, it’s nice to meet likeminded people! 🙂
Aww my pleasure sweetheart! You are so right about knowing yourself first. It will save you a lot of heartache.
So thoughtful & smart of you not to want to burden someone w/unresolved issues that you might have.
I think it’s a defense mechanism not jadedness at all. You watched your parents & friends go through divorces what would prevent you from getting divorced. It’s a smart approach.
So great meeting you, too. You are awesome!
Hey! So my friend sent me this article the other night, and I thought I’d share it with you and your readers; I’d personally love to see a post from you where you respond to the ideas presented in this article – if you have the time, that is. At the very least, it’s an interesting read. I don’t know that I agree with all of her points, but overall, I know I can relate. Curious to see what you think about it? 🙂
Thanks Jessica! This is an interesting article! I, too, can realte. But, they say the grass is always greener, right? I think she summed it up best when she said that it doesn’t enhance our self-esteem or theirs (I might add).
At the end of the day, it has to do with being comfortable with the decisions we’ve made in our lives. We and they don’t have to be apologetic about those decisions! xoxo
I agree! Thanks for sharing your two cents about the article. Glad you also found it interesting.
My pleasure Jessica!
I’m on the verge of giving up again…I had a date saturday, & I thought it went well, & we made plans for another date, but she thought about it ovvernight & changed her mind…I CANNOT WIN!!!
Sorry to hear that! Hoping 2014 will bring you happiness.
Well, it sure started crappy!
Thank you for liking my post about online dating! What advice would you give to someone who has just started blogging and would like to keep their posts consistently interesting for their readers? Love your blog btw
Thanks so much dancing w/denim! I really appreciate it. I answered that very question in this article:
Hope it helps!!!
Hi Clarissa! Just had to come out of my cave long enough to say hi and congrats on the new release. Or releases!! You are really on a roll girl!
Thanks so much Rhoda! I really appreciate you stopping by and sharing your kind words!